Add Translate Method to Vertex - Demo 05


Restructure the code towards the model view projection pipeline.

Transforming vertices, such as translating, is the core concept of computer graphics.

Demo 05

Demo 05

How to Execute

On Linux or on MacOS, in a shell, type “python src/demo05/”. On Windows, in a command prompt, type “python src\demo05\”.

Move the Paddles using the Keyboard

Keyboard Input



Move Left Paddle Up


Move Left Paddle Down


Move Right Paddle Down


Move Right Paddle Up


Dealing with the two Paddles the way we did before is not ideal. Both Paddles have the same size, although they are placed in different spots of the screen. We should be able to a set of vertices for the Paddle, relative to the paddle’s center, that is independent of its placement in NDC.

Rather than using values for each vertex relative to NDC, in the Paddle data structure, each vertex will be an offset from the center of the Paddle. The center of the paddle will be considered x=0, y=0. Before rendering, each Paddle’s vertices will need to be translated to its center relative to NDC.

Paddle space

All methods on verticies will be returning new verticies, rather than mutating the instance variables. The author does this on purpose to enable method-chaining the Python methods, which will be useful later on.

Method-chaining is the equivalent of function composition in math.


Data Structures

class Vertex:
    x: float
    y: float

    def translate(self: Vertex, tx: float, ty: float) -> Vertex:
        return Vertex(x=self.x + tx, y=self.y + ty)

We added a translate method to the Vertex class. Given a translation amount, the vertex will be shifted by that amount. This is a primitive that we will be using to transform from one space to another.

If the reader wishes to use the data structures to test them out, import them and try the methods

>>> import src.demo05.demo as demo
>>> a = demo.Vertex(x=1,y=2)
>>> a.translate(tx=3,ty=4)
Vertex(x=4, y=6)

Note the use of “keyword arguments”. Without using keyword arguments, the code might look like this:

>>> import src.demo05.demo as demo
>>> a = demo.Vertex(1,2)
>>> a.translate(3,4)
Vertex(x=4, y=6)

Keyword arguments allow the reader to understand the purpose of the parameters are, at the call-site of the function.

class Paddle:
    vertices: list[Vertex]
    r: float
    g: float
    b: float
    position: Vertex

Add a position instance variable to the Paddle class. This position is the center of the paddle, defined relative to NDC. The vertices of the paddle will be defined relative to the center of the paddle.

Instantiation of the Paddles

paddle1: Paddle = Paddle(
        Vertex(x=-0.1, y=-0.3),
        Vertex(x=0.1, y=-0.3),
        Vertex(x=0.1, y=0.3),
        Vertex(x=-0.1, y=0.3),
    position=Vertex(-0.9, 0.0),

paddle2: Paddle = Paddle(
        Vertex(-0.1, -0.3),
        Vertex(0.1, -0.3),
        Vertex(0.1, 0.3),
        Vertex(-0.1, 0.3),
    position=Vertex(0.9, 0.0),
  • The verticies are now defined as relative distances from the center of the paddle. The centers of each paddle are placed in positions relative to NDC that preserve the positions of the paddles, as they were in the previous demo.

Handling User Input

def handle_movement_of_paddles() -> None:
    global paddle1, paddle2

    if glfw.get_key(window, glfw.KEY_S) == glfw.PRESS:
        paddle1.position.y -= 0.1
    if glfw.get_key(window, glfw.KEY_W) == glfw.PRESS:
        paddle1.position.y += 0.1
    if glfw.get_key(window, glfw.KEY_K) == glfw.PRESS:
        paddle2.position.y -= 0.1
    if glfw.get_key(window, glfw.KEY_I) == glfw.PRESS:
        paddle2.position.y += 0.1

  • We put the transformation on the center of the paddle, instead of directly on each vertex. This is because the vertices are defined relative to the center of the paddle.

The Event Loop

while not glfw.window_should_close(window):
    while (
        glfw.get_time() < time_at_beginning_of_previous_frame + 1.0 / TARGET_FRAMERATE

    time_at_beginning_of_previous_frame = glfw.get_time()


    width, height = glfw.get_framebuffer_size(window)
    glViewport(0, 0, width, height)

    glColor3f(paddle1.r, paddle1.g, paddle1.b)

    for model_space in paddle1.vertices:
        ndc_space: Vertex = model_space.translate(
            tx=paddle1.position.x, ty=paddle1.position.y
        glVertex2f(ndc_space.x, ndc_space.y)

Here each of paddle 1’s vertices, which are in their “model-space”, are converted to NDC by calling the translate method on the vertex. This function corresponds to the Cayley graph below, the function from Paddle 1 space to NDC.

    glColor3f(paddle2.r, paddle2.g, paddle2.b)

    for model_space in paddle2.vertices:
        ndc_space: Vertex = model_space.translate(
            tx=paddle2.position.x, ty=paddle2.position.y
        glVertex2f(ndc_space.x, ndc_space.y)

Paddle space

The only part of the diagram that we need to think about right now is the function that converts from paddle1’s space to NDC, and from paddle2’s space to NDC.

These functions in the Python code are the translation of the paddle’s center (i.e. paddle1.position) by the vertex’s offset from the center.

N.B. In the code, I name the vertices by their space. I.e. “modelSpace” instead of “vertex_relative_to_modelspace”. I do this to emphasize that you should view the transformation as happening to the “graph paper”, instead of to each of the points. This will be explained more clearly later.