Draw A Rectangle - Demo 02¶
Learn how to plot a rectangle. Learn about OpenGL’s coordinate system, normalized-device coordinates, which are from -1.0 to 1.0, in the X, Y, and Z directions. Anything drawn entirely outside of this region will not be displayed on the screen.
![Demo 02](images/demo02.png)
Demo 02¶
How to Execute¶
Load src/demo02/demo.py in Spyder and hit the play button
GLFW/OpenGL Initialization¶
The setup code is the same. Initialize GLFW. Set the OpenGL version. Create the window. Set a key handler for closing. Set the background to be black. Execute the event/drawing loop.
The Event Loop¶
Within the event loop, demo02/demo.py draws 2 rectangles, as one might see in a game of Pong.
70while not glfw.window_should_close(window):
Draw Paddles¶
A black screen is not particularly interesting, so let’s draw something, say, two rectangles.
We need to figure out what colors to use, and the positions of the rectangles, defined below.
To set the color, we will use “glColor3f”. “glColor3f” sets a global variable, which makes it the color to be used for the subsequently-drawn graphical shape(s). Given that the background will be black, lets make the first paddle purple, and a second paddle yellow.
To specify the corners of the rectangle, “glBegin(GL_QUADS)” tells OpenGL that we will soon specify 4 vertices, (i.e. points) which define the quadrilateral. The vertices will be specified by calling “glVertex2f” 4 times.
“glEnd()” tells OpenGL that we have finished providing vertices for the begun quadrilateral.
Draw Paddle 1¶
79 glColor3f(0.578123, 0.0, 1.0)
80 glBegin(GL_QUADS)
81 glVertex2f(-1.0, -0.3)
82 glVertex2f(-0.8, -0.3)
83 glVertex2f(-0.8, 0.3)
84 glVertex2f(-1.0, 0.3)
85 glEnd()
The paddle looks like this relative to normalized device coordinates (NDC):
Draw Paddle 2¶
89 glColor3f(1.0, 1.0, 0.0)
90 glBegin(GL_QUADS)
91 glVertex2f(0.8, -0.3)
92 glVertex2f(1.0, -0.3)
93 glVertex2f(1.0, 0.3)
94 glVertex2f(0.8, 0.3)
95 glEnd()
The 2 paddles looks like this relative to normalized device coordinates (NDC):
99 glfw.swap_buffers(window)
done with frame, flush the current buffer to the monitor
Swap front and back buffers
The frame sent to the monitor is a set of values like this
What do we have to do to convert from normalized-device-coordinates (i.e. (1.0, 0.8)) into pixel coordinates (i.e. pixel (10,15))? Nothing, OpenGL does that for us automatically; therefore we never have to think in terms of pixels coordinates, only in terms of vertices of shapes, specified by normalized-device-coordinates. OpenGL also automatically colors all of the pixels which are inside of the quadrilateral.
Why do we use normalized-device coordinates instead of pixel coordinates?
The author owns two monitors, one which has 1024x768 pixels, and one which has 1920x1200 pixels. When he purchases a game from Steam, he expects that his game will run correctly on either monitor, in full-screen mode. If a graphics programmer had to explicitly set the color of individual pixels using the pixel’s coordinates, the the programmer would have to program using “screen-space” (Any space means a system of numbers which you’re using. Screen-space means you’re specifically using pixel coordinates, i.e, set pixel (5,10) to be yellow).
What looks alright in screen-space on a large monitor…
Isn’t the same picture on a smaller monitor.
Like any good program or library, OpenGL creates an abstraction. In this case, it abstracts over screen-space, thus freeing the programmer from caring about screen size. If a programmer does not want to program in discrete (discrete means integer values, not continuous) screen-space, what type of numbers should he use? Firstly, it should be a continuous space, meaning that it should be in decimal numbers. Because if a real-world object is 10.3 meters long, a programmer should be able to enter “float foo = 10.3”. Secondly, it should be a fixed range vertically and an fixed range horizontally. OpenGL will have to convert points from some space to screen-space, and since this is done in hardware (i.e. you can’t pragmatically change how the conversion happens), it should be a fixed size.
OpenGL uses what’s called normalized-device-coordinates, which is a continuous space from -1.0 to 1.0 horizontally, -1.0 to 1.0 vertically, and from -1.0 to 1.0 depth-ally. (Is there an actual word for that???)
The programmer specifies geometry using normalized-device-coordinates, and OpenGL will convert from a continuous, -1.0 to 1.0 space, to discrete pixel-space, and the programmer cannot change this.
NDC space¶
Whether we own a small monitor
NDC space¶
Or a large monitor.
NDC space¶
Graph of Spaces¶
The following is a graph, specifically a Cayley Graph, of the two spaces shown so far. The nodes represent a coordinate system (i.e. origin and axes), and the directed edge represents a function that converts coordinates from one coordinate system to another. If this isn’t clear to the reader, look above at the 3 pictures of the 2 quadrilaterals. They look the same, but if you label each vertex on all three graphs, and look at the axes to find their plotted values, you will find that they differ. Changing between coordinate systems means to take vertices from one coordinate system and changing them to another, like converting from Celsius to Fahrenheit, meters to feet, etc.
![Demo 02](images/demo021.png)
Demo 02¶
The function that converts from NDC to Screen space is arbitrarily named f, sub-scripted by “NDC”, super-scripted by “S”. This is a common notation when creating functions that change basis, i.e. coordinate conversion. A definition of this function is not provided right now, because we can’t change it in software. But we must recognize that it exists.
The Wikipedia article for Cayley graphs (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cayley_graph) is intimidating, but for our purposes, its use is very simple.
An uni-variate example use of Cayley graphs is exchanging coins with a bank.
![Demo 02](images/currency.png)
Cayley graph of uni variate coordinate conversion for money.¶
The directed edges in the Cayley graph show the direction that the function, i.e. transformation, applies.
To convert 20 nickels into pennies, start at nickel, move to penny, while applying the appropriate function along the way.
To convert those 100 penny into quarters, move from penny to quarter, but since we are moving in the opposite direction of the edge, we must apply the multiplicative inverse of that function. These functions are invertible by taking the reciprocal of the coefficient
By taking the inverse of the coefficient, we satisfy a definition of an inverse
To convert between any denomination, say dimes to dollars, just compose the functions, remembering to take the inverse of any directed edge that you against.
Notice in the last equation that we defined the function via function composition, and didn’t specify any arguments. We just focus on the types of units in and the units out, but the details of those functions are not relevant when traversing the Cayley graph.
A big part of being able to understand graphics well is being able to figure out what to ignore. So how would we convert coordinates from space D to space B (defined below)? What do those names mean? It doesn’t matter. What is the definition of all of the functions? It doesn’t matter. All that matters
is that the function exists
the definition of the function is provided to us
the function is invertible
and that we can call a procedure to invert a function.
![Generic Cayley Graph](images/cayleygraph.png)
Generic Cayley Graph¶
Well to convert data frame space D to space B, we know that D is defined relative to C, C is defined relative to A, and B is defined relative to A. Because of the arrows, we know that we are given a function from D to C, a function from C to A, and a function from B to A. We are not directly given their inverses, but we can calculate them easily enough, or have a computer do it for us.
In tracing out the graph, we are going with the first two directed edges, and against the last one. So we compose the functions and take the appropriate inverse(s).
A function from A to B is not provided to us, but we wrote it in the equation as an idea of a function that we wish to have, even though we don’t currently have it. However, we can create this function by invoking inverse on the provide function from A to B.
Since we’re dealing with function composition mainly, we don’t even need to specify the argument
If this seems to abstract for now, don’t worry. By the end of the course, it should be clear. The goal of this book is to make it clear, and then, obvious.
Run Demo 2. Resize the window using the GUI controls provided by the Operating system. first make it skinny, and then wide. Observe at what happens to the rectangles.