Lambda Stack - Demo 18¶
Remove repetition in the coordinate transformations, as previous demos had very similar transformations, especially from camera space to NDC space. Each edge of the graph of objects should only be specified once per frame.
Noticing in the previous demos that the lower parts of the transformations have a common pattern, we can create a stack of functions for later application. Before drawing geometry, we add any functions to the top of the stack, apply all of our functions in the stack to our model-space data to get NDC data, and before we return to the parent node, we pop the functions we added off of the stack, to ensure that we return the stack to the state that the parent node gave us.
To explain in more detail —
What’s the difference between drawing paddle 1 and the square?
Here is paddle 1 code
400 # draw paddle 1
401 glColor3f(paddle1.r, paddle1.g, paddle1.b)
403 glBegin(GL_QUADS)
404 for paddle1_vertex_in_model_space in paddle1.vertices:
405 paddle1_vertex_in_world_space: Vertex = paddle1_vertex_in_model_space.rotate_z(paddle1.rotation) \
406 .translate(paddle1.position)
407 # paddle1_vertex_in_world_space: Vertex = paddle1_vertex_in_camera_space.rotate_x(camera.rot_x) \
408 # .rotate_y(camera.rot_y) \
409 # .translate(camera.position_worldspace)
410 paddle1_vertex_in_camera_space: Vertex = paddle1_vertex_in_world_space.translate(-camera.position_worldspace) \
411 .rotate_y(-camera.rot_y) \
412 .rotate_x(-camera.rot_x)
413 paddle1_vertex_in_ndc_space: Vertex = paddle1_vertex_in_camera_space.camera_space_to_ndc_space_fn()
414 glVertex3f(paddle1_vertex_in_ndc_space.x, paddle1_vertex_in_ndc_space.y, paddle1_vertex_in_ndc_space.z)
415 glEnd()
Here is the square’s code:
423 glColor3f(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
424 glBegin(GL_QUADS)
425 for model_space in square:
426 paddle_1_space: Vertex = model_space.rotate_z(square_rotation) \
427 .translate(Vertex(x=2.0,
428 y=0.0,
429 z=0.0)) \
430 .rotate_z(rotation_around_paddle1) \
431 .translate(Vertex(x=0.0,
432 y=0.0,
433 z=-1.0))
434 world_space: Vertex =paddle_1_space.rotate_z(paddle1.rotation) \
435 .translate(paddle1.position)
436 camera_space: Vertex = world_space.translate(-camera.position_worldspace) \
437 .rotate_y(-camera.rot_y) \
438 .rotate_x(-camera.rot_x)
439 ndc_space: Vertex = camera_space.camera_space_to_ndc_space_fn()
440 glVertex3f(ndc_space.x, ndc_space.y, ndc_space.z)
441 glEnd()
The only difference is the square’s model-space to paddle1 space. Everything else is exactly the same. In a graphics program, because the scene is a hierarchy of relative objects, it is unwise to put this much repetition in the transformation sequence. Especially if we might change how the camera operates, or from perspective to ortho. It would required a lot of code changes. And I don’t like reading from the bottom of the code up. Code doesn’t execute that way. I want to read from top to bottom.
When reading the transformation sequences in the previous demos from top down the transformation at the top is applied first, the transformation at the bottom is applied last, with the intermediate results method-chained together. (look up above for a reminder)
With a function stack, the function at the top of the stack (f5) is applied first, the result of this is then given as input to f4 (second on the stack), all the way down to f1, which was the first fn to be placed on the stack, and as such, the last to be applied. (Last In First Applied - LIFA)
(x,y,z)-> | f5 |--
|-------------------| |
| |-------------------|
| | |
->| f4 |--
|-------------------| |
| |-------------------|
| | |
->| f3 |--
|-------------------| |
| |-------------------|
| | |
->| f2 |--
|-------------------| |
| |-------------------|
| | |
->| f1 |--> (x,y,z) NDC
So, in order to ensure that the functions in a stack will execute in the same order as all of the previous demos, they need to be pushed onto the stack in reverse order.
This means that from model space to world space, we can now read the transformations FROM TOP TO BOTTOM!!!! SUCCESS!
Then, to draw the square relative to paddle one, those six transformations will already be on the stack, therefore only push the differences, and then apply the stack to the paddle’s model space data.
How to Execute¶
On Linux or on MacOS, in a shell, type “python src/demo18/”. On Windows, in a command prompt, type “python src\demo18\”.
Move the Paddles using the Keyboard¶
Keyboard Input |
Action |
w |
Move Left Paddle Up |
s |
Move Left Paddle Down |
k |
Move Right Paddle Down |
i |
Move Right Paddle Up |
d |
Increase Left Paddle’s Rotation |
a |
Decrease Left Paddle’s Rotation |
l |
Increase Right Paddle’s Rotation |
j |
Decrease Right Paddle’s Rotation |
UP |
Move the camera up, moving the objects down |
Move the camera down, moving the objects up |
Move the camera left, moving the objects right |
Move the camera right, moving the objects left |
q |
Rotate the square around its center |
e |
Rotate the square around paddle 1’s center |
Function stack. Internally it has a list, where index 0 is the bottom of the stack. In python we can store any object as a variable, and we will be storing functions which transform a vertex to another vertex, through the “modelspace_to_ndc” method.
359class FunctionStack:
360 stack: List[Callable[Vertex, Vertex]] = field(default_factory=lambda: [])
362 def push(self, o: object):
363 self.stack.append(o)
365 def pop(self):
366 return self.stack.pop()
368 def clear(self):
369 self.stack.clear()
371 def modelspace_to_ndc(self, vertex: Vertex) -> Vertex:
372 v = vertex
373 for fn in reversed(self.stack):
374 v = fn(v)
375 return v
378fn_stack = FunctionStack()
There is an example at the bottom of src/demo18/
509def identity(x):
510 return x
513def add_one(x):
514 return x + 1
517def multiply_by_2(x):
518 return x * 2
521def add_5(x):
522 return x + 5
Define four functions, which we will compose on the stack.
Push identity onto the stack, which will will never pop off of the stack.
531print(fn_stack.modelspace_to_ndc(1)) # x = 1
537print(fn_stack.modelspace_to_ndc(1)) # x + 1 = 2
541fn_stack.push(multiply_by_2) # (x * 2) + 1 = 3
547fn_stack.push(add_5) # ((x + 5) * 2) + 1 = 13
555print(fn_stack.modelspace_to_ndc(1)) # (x * 2) + 1 = 3
561print(fn_stack.modelspace_to_ndc(1)) # x + 1 = 2
567print(fn_stack.modelspace_to_ndc(1)) # x = 1
Event Loop¶
387while not glfw.window_should_close(window):
In previous demos, camera_space_to_ndc_space_fn was always the last function called in the method chained pipeline. Put it on the bottom of the stack, by pushing it first, so that “modelspace_to_ndc” calls this function last. Each subsequent push will add a new function to the top of the stack.
419 fn_stack.push(lambda v: v.camera_space_to_ndc_space_fn()) # (1)
Unlike in previous demos in which we read the transformations from model space to world space backwards; this time because the transformations are on a stack, the fns on the model stack can be read forwards, where each operation translates/rotates/scales the current space
The camera’s position and orientation are defined relative to world space like so, read top to bottom:
423 # fn_stack.push(
424 # lambda v: v.translate(camera.position_worldspace)
425 # fn_stack.push(lambda v: v.rotate_y(camera.rot_y))
426 # fn_stack.push(lambda v: v.rotate_x(camera.rot_x))
But, since we need to transform world-space to camera space, they must be inverted by reversing the order, and negating the arguments
Therefore the transformations to put the world space into camera space are.
431 fn_stack.push(lambda v: v.rotate_x(-camera.rot_x)) # (2)
432 fn_stack.push(lambda v: v.rotate_y(-camera.rot_y)) # (3)
433 fn_stack.push(lambda v: v.translate(-camera.position_worldspace)) # (4)
draw paddle 1¶
Unlike in previous demos in which we read the transformations from model space to world space backwards; because the transformations are on a stack, the fns on the model stack can be read forwards, where each operation translates/rotates/scales the current space
439 fn_stack.push(lambda v: v.translate(paddle1.position)) # (5) translate the local origin
440 fn_stack.push(lambda v: v.rotate_z(paddle1.rotation)) # (6) (rotate around the local z axis
for each of the modelspace coordinates, apply all of the procedures on the stack from top to bottom this results in coordinate data in NDC space, which we can pass to glVertex3f
445 glColor3f(paddle1.r, paddle1.g, paddle1.b)
447 glBegin(GL_QUADS)
448 for paddle1_vertex_in_model_space in paddle1.vertices:
449 paddle1_vertex_in_ndc_space = fn_stack.modelspace_to_ndc(paddle1_vertex_in_model_space)
450 glVertex3f(
451 paddle1_vertex_in_ndc_space.x,
452 paddle1_vertex_in_ndc_space.y,
453 paddle1_vertex_in_ndc_space.z,
454 )
455 glEnd()
draw the square¶
since the modelstack is already in paddle1’s space, and since the blue square is defined relative to paddle1, just add the transformations relative to it before the blue square is drawn. Draw the square, and then remove these 4 transformations from the stack (done below)
459 glColor3f(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
461 fn_stack.push(lambda v: v.translate(Vertex(x=0.0, y=0.0, z=-1.0))) # (7)
462 fn_stack.push(lambda v: v.rotate_z(rotation_around_paddle1)) # (8)
463 fn_stack.push(lambda v: v.translate(Vertex(x=2.0, y=0.0, z=0.0))) # (9)
464 fn_stack.push(lambda v: v.rotate_z(square_rotation)) # (10)
466 glBegin(GL_QUADS)
467 for model_space in square:
468 ndc_space = fn_stack.modelspace_to_ndc(model_space)
469 glVertex3f(ndc_space.x, ndc_space.y, ndc_space.z)
470 glEnd()
Now we need to remove fns from the stack so that the lambda stack will convert from world space to NDC. This will allow us to just add the transformations from world space to paddle2 space on the stack.
474 fn_stack.pop() # pop off (10)
475 fn_stack.pop() # pop off (9)
476 fn_stack.pop() # pop off (8)
477 fn_stack.pop() # pop off (7)
478 fn_stack.pop() # pop off (6)
479 fn_stack.pop() # pop off (5)
since paddle2’s model_space is independent of paddle 1’s space, only leave the view and projection fns (1) - (4)
draw paddle 2¶
459 glColor3f(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
461 fn_stack.push(lambda v: v.translate(Vertex(x=0.0, y=0.0, z=-1.0))) # (7)
462 fn_stack.push(lambda v: v.rotate_z(rotation_around_paddle1)) # (8)
463 fn_stack.push(lambda v: v.translate(Vertex(x=2.0, y=0.0, z=0.0))) # (9)
464 fn_stack.push(lambda v: v.rotate_z(square_rotation)) # (10)
466 glBegin(GL_QUADS)
467 for model_space in square:
468 ndc_space = fn_stack.modelspace_to_ndc(model_space)
469 glVertex3f(ndc_space.x, ndc_space.y, ndc_space.z)
470 glEnd()
remove all fns from the function stack, as the next frame will set them clear makes the list empty, as the list (stack) will be repopulated the next iteration of the event loop.
498 fn_stack.clear() # done rendering everything, just go ahead and clean 1-6 off of the stack
Swap buffers and execute another iteration of the event loop
502 glfw.swap_buffers(window)
Notice in the above code, adding functions to the stack is creating a shared context for transformations, and before we call “glVertex3f”, we always call “modelspace_to_ndc” on the modelspace vertex. In Demo 19, we will be using OpenGL 2.1 matrix stacks. Although we don’t have the code for the OpenGL driver, given that you’ll see that we pass modelspace data directly to “glVertex3f”, it should be clear that the OpenGL implementation must fetch the modelspace to NDC transformations from the ModelView and Projection matrix stacks.